Car Lifts in London and Rotterdam enable maximum parking spaces with advanced parking comfort

Buildings with an increased number of parking spaces, such as apartment blocks, office buildings or hotels, can save valuable space or reuse the space gained by using the TRAFFICO car lift. As an alternative to a space-intensive access ramp, the TRAFFICO car lift with a nominal speed of up to 0.6m/s enables fast and comfortable transport between the entrance and parking level. Depending on the structural equipment, up to 44 cars can be transported per hour.

The following two successful projects – Up:Town in Rotterdam and an apartment building in central London – demonstrate a combination of optimal use of parking space and comfortable parking experience.

Apartment building in central London saves space with two TRAFFICO car lifts

In 2016 Lödige in the UK installed two 5,500 kg Traffico hydraulic car lifts for the Lexiccon residential apartment building in Central London. By using car lifts rather than a ramp the customer opened up the use of the full basement for residents to park their cars, motorbikes, and bicycles.

These lifts have a special function that allows the key fobs to be coded to request the lift doors to open halfway for bicycles and fully for a car. This makes the use of the lift quicker for the bike riders as they do not have to wait for the doors to open entirely.

Car lift provides parking for elegant apartment building in Rotterdam

Up:Town is an elegant residential tower with 178 apartments and an above-ground car park on Wijnhaven island in the centre of Rotterdam. For an optimal use of space two hydraulic car lifts are placed next to each other in a steel construction. Using the steel frame, the lifts sit slightly outside the building to free more space within the building.

A high-end lift cabin with generous dimensions makes driving into and out of the elevator comfortable, even for bigger cars. The car lifts are modern and stylish with a beautiful finish using smooth galvanized steel panels with wooden bumpers, LED fixtures, aluminium tear plate flooring and a TFT information screen control. Operation is simple and self-explanatory.

Read more about the TRAFFICO car lift here.

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