Lift Replacement in the Midlands

Lödige look after the goods lifts for several major retail clients in the United Kingdom. This particular customer was moving into a new store which had a non-compliant lift. As part of the fit out process they requested for the current 3 stop goods lift to be removed and replaced with a new, reliable product. Like many high street stores across the country, all storage space for this shop is in the upper levels meaning that having a safe and trust worthy goods lift is crucial.

Due to there being a strict store opening deadline, the rip out and replacement took place during store hours. The Engineers carried out all works professionally and quickly, being mindful of noise for shop customers. After the original lift was removed and disposed of, the old pit was backfilled before the new lift was installed.

The lift used for this was the SHERPA goods only lift. The travel is 8 meters over 3 stops with a load of 2,000kg. This product can move up to 3,000 kg at a time over 18 meters and stops so is very versatile. Like all of the Lödige products, the SHERPA goods only lift is manufactured in house and installed by highly qualified engineers. This product is bespoke so is designed to suit site and project specifics. The SHERPA is a free standing goods lift so no lift shaft is required, there is also no need for a pit or motor room which saves space and builders work.

As well as goods only lifts, Lödige UK can also remove old lifts to replace with goods lifts with attendants, mezzanine lifts and hydraulic goods lifts.

Lödige has been established in the UK for over 30 years and has reference sites nationwide. For more information on the products and services on offer, contact the office.

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